Ad Mortuos was a dance performance presented at the Theater and Dance department based on the poem of the same name by Stephanie Pope. The poem was the starting point and inspiration for Ad Mortuos. It guided the conceptual approach for media design in mixed reality space, both, for visual and audio design and performance. The inspiration for the projection design and the usage of the floor as a screen and main canvas for the piece came through the unique layout of the Oscar G. Brockett Theater. This particular theatre has a layout that projects the balconies towards the stage from four directions. The Brockett is surrounded by four countertops aligned in a square position, and elevated above the floor level. It provided a unique canvas to use the floor and thus this created an unique perspective that helped transform my media augmentations.
“Ad Mortuos” is a collaborative work inspired by poet Stephanie Pope, read by LaQuetta Carpenter.
Choreographer: Yacov Sharir;
Composer/Sound Design: Bruce Pennycook;
Visuals: Joao Beira, Rodrigo Carvalho
Costume Design: Kelsey Vidic;
Vocalist: Yago De Quay;
Dancers: Emily Snouffer, Becca Bagley, Gianina Casale, Summer Fiaschetti, Katie McCarn and Allyson Morales
Ad Mortuos was performed at the University of Texas Campus March 6-14, 2015, Oscar G. Brockett Theatre.
*Special Thanks to Pedro Resende, Filipa Rodrigues for recording the piece.